Participate at Sun & Moon

At Sun & Moon we love to have as many people involved as possible, offering whatever wonderful skills and talents, wisdom and teachings that they have to share with us.

The main categories for participation are as follows:

• Workshops leaders (aka “teachers”)
• Children’s activity or workshops leaders
• Volunteers

In terms of volunteering, we mainly need people for the following:

• Childrens’ areas and entertainment
• Food preparation and serving
• Administration (“office”)

If you think you can bring something to add to the programme, or just want to help out to make the week the best it possibly can be for everyone at Sun & Moon, then please email us at and let us know how you would like to participate!

In return for your contribution, we offer you free access to the festival and all of the workshops.

Please note – what we do generally ask you to pay for, if you require it, is:

• Camping
• Bedrooms
• Catering